Reflection for Palm Sunday, by S. Barb Piller

Reflection for March 31, 2013
Palm Sunday

First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7
Second Reading: Phillipians 2:6-11
Gospel: Luke 22:14-23:56

In a very short period of time through the scriptures today we journey from shouting “Hosanna” to Crucify Him.”  So many of the feelings a human being can have are experienced in the course of a few hours: exaltation, betrayal, misunderstanding, disappointment in loved ones, ridicule, hurt while being lied about, compassion, love, letting go, abandonment, acceptance, trust, justification.  We find examples of courage in the face of pain; personal conviction while being about God’s will when others doubt; endurance based on trust in God.

When our life journey finds us in times of hardship or betrayal by loved ones or dealing with physical limitations, how well do we listen to the voice of God within us, around us?  How strong is our trust in God and the God-given abilities we possess?  As we live the road to Calvary this Passion Sunday and journey through this holiest of weeks, may we listen to the whispers of God within us.

Good and gracious God, we know that You do ALL for love.  May we be attentive to the struggles or pain of loved ones and even those strangers among us.  Through them you may be inviting us to help carry a cross or go the extra mile or “wash feet.”  Give us the desire to walk in your footprints by reaching out to others in need, giving of ourselves in response to your great love for us.  “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.”  We pray this in your name, Jesus.  Amen.

S. Barbara Piller, OSF
Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg