Hugs, by Sharonlu Sheridan, OSF

ImageA picture of Jesus, the good shepherd, holding a lamb close, was on a message from the Hamline Chapel United Methodist Church. Since it was not copyright marked, I am sharing it with you.

“Hugging,” they write, “is healthy:  It helps the body’s immunity system, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it induces sleep, and it’s invigorating, it’s rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects, and hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug.

Hugging is all-natural: It is organic, naturally sweet, no pesticides, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients, and 100 percent wholesome.

Hugging is practically perfect. There are no movable parts, no batteries to wear out, no period checkups, low energy consumption, high energy yield, inflation-proof, non-fattening, no monthly payments, no insurance requirements, theft-proof, non-taxable, non-polluting, and of course, fully returnable.”

ImageWhat I wonder, is why we do not use this lovely way of expressing our feelings. It does wonders for the giver as well as the recipient.  Hugging is helpful to the person who has succeeded, and especially to the one who has failed.  Babies and toddlers usually get hugs, but Grandpas and Nanas not as often.  Old Uncles and Aunts need hugs too.  In fact, I cannot think of anyone who doesn’t, not even the Pope!  So be generous!  Be extravagant!  Hand out hugs everywhere.  Maybe you will mend a fractured friendship with a hug. You know, if you want or need a hug there is no reason why you cannot ask for it. It’s easy.  Just say, “I need a hug.” or Will you give me a hug, please?

Jesus gave hugs to lost sheep. It might not be a bad idea to give Jesus a hug in prayer.

Hugs to you and all you hold dear.  Spread hugs around today!

Peace and Joy and many hugs,

Sharonlu OSF
Oldenburg Franciscan Center
Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg

One thought on “Hugs, by Sharonlu Sheridan, OSF

  1. Hugging is definitely GOOD! I love that image of the Good Shepherd, and I couldn’t get it to work on my blog–I’ll try it again, now that I’ve seen it here! Thanks, and God bless you Big!!

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